Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Shipping Yard maps (Daytime and Night-time versions)

By Craig Dylke
For details on how to acquire a copy of this map click here.
Contact me about custom Heroclix maps at

By Craig Dylke
For details on how to acquire a copy of this map click here.
Contact me about custom Heroclix maps at

Saturday, December 15, 2012

First Game on a CD map!

This past Thursday saw a "historic" event in Heroclix. The first ever game was played on one of my maps! The battle occurred in Belle Reve between 8 combatants.

In bad news I completely lost the game, in good news the map plays really well. The corridors on the sides offer tight ground for close combat, while the open mess hall offers an area of range combat duels.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

The First Print Run!!!

I have just received the first set of maps from my print shop, and they look awesome!

Sorry about the poor quality of the photos, I didn't want to bother my wife with taking multiple shots.

Now that I have established an account with this print shop, there are no problems in getting more prints made (or future maps), so this is not to be the last run by any means :P

The only problem I am now having is finding poster tubes big enough for these extra large maps...